Operation Hoth – Winter FTX

Event Details

Our Winter FTX will introduce new cadets to Cold Weather Training, as well as give older cadets the opportunity to improve their cold weather skills. We will be joined by 598 Cobourg Air, 2817 Lindsay Army, and 598 Lindsay Air. Advance party will join Lt. Wood and Capt. Sudano on Friday afternoon to set up the biv site. Timings will be announced closer to the date, and there will be a sign up sheet posted on the bulletin board. We will stay in the armouries on Friday night while we prepare all the cadets for the cold weather with training and issuing of cold weather kit. Saturday morning we will pack up and head out to the biv site. Sunday we will head back to the armouries for tear down and pick up.

Dress: C5 – Training Dress – No Berets

Bring: Please see Winter FTX Kit List

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